

Among the most important attributes of a finely roasted and brewed cup of coffee, is connecting people. We find our favorite coffee at the center of conversations with intimates, or when we can find a moment alone. Coffee relationships extend across the globe to farmers who grow and harvest beans, working hard for a fair price to sustain their families. By serving you our favorite coffees, we bring you a unique experience, full of flavor, satisfaction, and support of international farmers.

Mt Airy Coffee is an independent shop featuring beans from Ultimo Coffee Roasters, a premiere coffee provider in Philadelphia engaged in Direct Trade business relationships with coffee growers. This ensures the highest price possible is paid for coffee beans in purchasing arrangements created directly with growers. Our full drink menu includes hot and iced drip coffee and many of your favorite espresso-based drinks, hot and iced tea, and seasonal specials for dining in or take-away. If you don’t see something on the menu, just ask and we’ll do our best to create it for you. Our aim is to be consistent in quality, flavor, and preparation: focused on the details to bring you the full character of every cup we brew, and menu item we serve.

Our current feature coffee is El Quebradon from western Columbia, where over 100 small scale growers carefully pick beans at Quebradon, a former Hacienda turned coffee farming community. We enjoy this coffees’ bright, clean, and sweet mouthfeel. Flavor notes include butterscotch, peach, and honey. We brew this coffee as our Drip coffee and in all Espresso beverages.

For a limited time our Special Coffee is Luis Herney Velazco from Columbia. You will experience a fruity flavor, which is especially notable as this coffee is brewed as a pour over (seen at left). It’s flavor notes are watermelon, blueberry, and cacao. Velazco is only available for a short time in April and May, so come enjoy it while you can – and, it comes in whole bean 12 ounce bags for you to brew at home!

Several whole bean coffees are available for retail sale, including Decaf, which we also serve as Drip or Espresso.